Marble Effect Tiles – Opulence without the Cost

There are a wide range of marble effect tiles that precisely copy the appearance and opulence of marble,Marble Effect Tiles  - Opulence without the Cost Articles while eliminating almost all of its shortcomings. To understand just how closely marble effect tiles mimic the real stone, one would have to examine up close the pearly tones and delicate veining of marble effect ceramic and porcelain tiles. Most people are surprised to learn that common floor tiles offer such a precise replica of real marble stone.


What are Marble Effect Tiles?

Marble was formed over millions installing granite countertops of year. Deep under the earth’s surface, in areas of ancient tectonic activity, is where it is to be found. The extreme temperature and pressure provided the correct conditions for limestone to undergo a stunning transformation of shape and form. It emerged from this protracted and natural process as marble. Because these conditions are found only along the edges of moving plates, marble can only be found in certain parts of the world.

Marble effect tiles, however, are the product of a man-made process, and take far less time to form. The two types of tiles commonly used are ceramic and porcelain.

Ceramic tiles are made from clay that is shaped and fired in very hot kilns. The clay usually comes from the dust of pulverized rock, slate, or marble. Between firings, the tiles are coated with a durable glaze. It is the glaze that gives effect to the colour and pattern. Recently, this has been achieved with digital printing. It is this glazing or printing that provides the characteristic marble effect or marble look.

Porcelain tiles are produced in a similar method. However, they use finer, denser, and more impervious clay than their ceramic counterparts. They are produced using a higher pressure, and greater temperatures. This makes them stronger, harder, and more durable.